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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

Performance Monitoring Committee Archive


  • To advise the Full Governing Board (FGB) upon the parameters for monitoring progress towards the age-related expectations of all pupils in the school in English, Mathematics (and Science).
  • To verify the monitoring of the progress of every pupil in the school towards meeting their age-related expectations and report findings to the FGB termly.
  • To be aware of the performance of schools that are genuinely comparable to Southfields and report findings to the FGB.
  • To verify that adequate processes are in place for objective and effective monitoring of pupil’s progress by teachers and teaching assistants. Agree appropriate measures with the Headteacher to address concerns.

Membership and Meetings

  • The Full Governing Board (FGB) will appoint at least five governors, including the Headteacher, to annually to serve on the committee. 
  • The FGB will appoint a chair for the committee who will be responsible for calling meetings, the preparation of agendas with the Clerk and ensuring that all documents for discussion are pre-circulated to all members of the committee at least seven days before the meeting.
  • One meeting of the full committee will be held each term. Additional meetings will be called at the discretion of the chair.
  • The quorum for any meeting will be three governors. Voting will be by majority of those present and voting.
  • Minutes will be taken by the Clerk to the FGB who will distribute them for information purposes to all governors within ten working days of each meeting. The committee will approve the minutes at its next meeting.


  • Agree with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team the parameters for measuring pupil’s progress.  This should include:
    • the methodology for determining the age related expectations for pupils;
    • the establishment f baselines for each pupil at the beginning of each academic year;
    • the charts of pupils to be compared e.g. whole year groups, PP, EAL, SEND, CiC ;
    • the collective target for each cohort in relation to meeting its age related expectations;
    • the monitoring of high achievers.
  • Agree the ‘language’ for reporting e.g. what do we mean by ‘good progress’ and how trends are identified.
  • Agree with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team what measures will be taken to improve the performance of pupils falling below their age related expectations.
  • Ensure that all reports to the FGB are anonymised.
  • To monitor and review the implementation of all statutory curriculum related policies and procedures namely:
    • Sex and relationships policy
  • The following curriculum related statutory policies will be reviewed by the Full Governing Body:
    • SEND policy
    • Policies and procedures for the Early Years Foundation Stage


The Performance Monitoring Committee Terms of Reference for 2023-24 were agreed at the FGB meeting on 3rd October 2023.

  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
  • Logo
  • Leeds Inclusion Chartermark
  • Arts Council England
  • Financial Management Standard in Schools
  • Arts Mark
  • Music Mark
  • Oracy School
  • Elklan