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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

School News

The children's last day of this half term is Friday 24th May.  School will reopen on Monday 3rd June 2024.

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  • 14/11/19

    Pupil Haircuts

    A reminder that the Pupil Premium Haircuts with Charlie are tomorrow straight after school.
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  • 13/11/19

    Parents Evenings

    Just a quick reminder that tonight is the last evening for Parents Evening appointments.
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  • 11/11/19

    We will remember them...

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
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  • 07/11/19

    Is my child too poorly for school?

    A little reminder parents:
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  • 06/11/19

    Save the date: 5th December

    We will once again be holding our annual Christmas Fete with lots of crafts, games and stalls for you all to enjoy.
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  • 06/11/19

    Children in Need

    Next Friday is our annual pyjama day in support of Children in Need.
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  • 05/11/19

    The Sun Books for Schools

    Our school is participating in The Sun's Books for Schools scheme,and you can all help take part to help earn more high quality books for our reading corners and library!
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  • 31/10/19

    Safety First

    If your family is venturing out into spooky waters this evening please can we remind you all to talk about safety aspects beforehand.
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  • 31/10/19

    ECO Award :)

    Today Heidi joined us from PECT (Peterborough eco council) to award Southfields with their Eco flag ♻️ after two years of hard work!
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  • 29/10/19

    Book Fair Success!

    Thank you to absolutely everybody who attended the book fair in the final week of the first Autumn term. Together you raised a whopping £986.63 over the course of the week!
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  • Healthy Schools
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2011|2012
  • Ofsted Outstanding 2008|2009
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  • Leeds Inclusion Chartermark
  • Arts Council England
  • Financial Management Standard in Schools
  • Arts Mark
  • Music Mark
  • Oracy School
  • Elklan