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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

School News

The children's last day of this half term is Friday 24th May.  School will reopen on Monday 3rd June 2024.

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  • 01/07/19

    Summer Fete Updates

    Find out more about the Explorers Stall at the upcoming Summer Fete.
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  • 28/06/19

    Sports Day Fun

    We have come to the end of a very busy Sporting Week here at Southfields :)
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  • 26/06/19

    Summer Fete Updates

    We have something extra special for your favourite teddy bear friends at this years summer fete.
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  • 21/06/19

    Music Evening

    As the end of year is approaching, the Music Department is pleased to invite you to our Musical Evening, which will take place on Monday 1st July in the KS2 Hall, at 3.30pm.
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  • 21/06/19

    May Day Celebrations

    We are very much looking forward to our May Day Celebrations which will take place this afternoon.
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  • 21/06/19

    Flowers Galore

    After the May Day Celebrations yesterday, a few of our lovely families took the donated flowers over to Kingfisher court to brighten up and put a smile on lots of faces.
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  • 20/06/19

    Wear a seatbelt!

    We are a bit concerned after a parent reported observing children in the back of a vehicle without wearing a seatbelt.
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  • 20/06/19

    Bike and Scooter free zones!

    Please can we remind parents and children that inside the school grounds is a bike and scooter free zone.
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  • 20/06/19

    Sports Days

    Just a reminder to parents that Sports Days are next week.  We are keeping an eye on the weather and will keep you updated.
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  • 13/06/19

    Summer Fete Raffle

    As you will all know by now (we hope) on Saturday 6th July 2019, our wonderful PTA have been organising our amazing Summer Fete.
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  • 06/05/19

    Summer Fete

    As you will all be aware by now we are sure, on Saturday 6th July the PTA are hosting our very own Summer School Fete :)
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