Speech and Language Hub
Our Hub Provision:
- is funded by the Local Authority
- is inclusive and fully integrated into school life
- offers places to qualifying children from 4-11 years
- offers advice to local schools within Peterborough's Local Authority in how best to support children with Communication and Interaction (C & I) needs. How we support local schools
Pupils who are placed within the Hub Provision have a variety of C&I needs.
This might include:
- receptive or expressive language disorders
- developmental verbal dyspraxia
- delayed or disordered speech sound development
- language delays
Qualifying pupils must have an EHCP with Communication and Language as the primary need, or be in the planning stages for an EHCP.
What can we provide?
- access to the whole curriculum within a mainstream class
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Speech and Language therapy programme individually assessed and tailored by the speech and language therapists and delivered by qualified teaching assistants daily.
- full time support within the classroom, in small groups and individually, to facilitate access to the curriculum in whatever way that is needed.
- a hub manager, hub lead and a team of teaching assistants with experience and expertise in supporting children who have speech and language difficulties
- individual learning programmes
- sensory integration therapy
- access to and support from outside agencies in addition to the Speech and Language Therapist e.g. Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists
- a wide range and variety of resources
- teachers who have experience and ongoing training in teaching children with speech and language difficulties
- accredited ELKLAN Communication Friendly environment
- Makaton
- PECs
Applications are considered by a panel and admission is dependent on:
- number of places available
- fulfilment of admissions criteria (see below)
Parents, teachers, TAs, SENCOs and anyone else with an interest in supporting children with Communication and Language needs are very welcome to visit.
Mrs Jan Tate, Hub Manager
Tel: 01733 566710
Email: hub@southfields.peterborough.sch.uk
Please see below for additional information: