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Southfields Primary School

Southfields Primary School

Headteacher Contact

From time to time, you may feel that you want to discuss aspects of school life with the Headteacher. You may have questions, want advice or have a really great idea you want to share. Please always try to firstly talk to your child's class teacher, year leader or phase leader or even department heads.  If you still feel that you want to share information please email the Headteacher and mark the subject 'Parent'. Mrs Urciuoli will always attempt to respond promptly or refer this to a member of staff who will be able to help you.

Alternatively, you could telephone the school office and talk to Mrs Dale (PA to the Headteacher) who would be happy to discuss a mutually convenient time to for the Headteacher to meet with you.

Or you could write a letter to the Headteacher and mark it 'Private and Confidential'.

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