Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Southfields Primary School is an inclusive school and all teachers:
- Do everything they can to meet pupils’ special educational needs.
- Ensure that pupils with SEND engage in activities alongside their peers
- Provide high-quality teaching, differentiated/scaffolded for individual pupils
Under the SEND Code of Practice (2015), we are required to publish a SEND Information Report describing the provision we make for pupils with SEND. Some of this information is included in our SEND Policy. Both documents can be found below.
If you require any further information please feel free to contact:
Mrs C Hilton - Deputy Headteacher - Inclusion and SENDCo
Miss S Payne - Inclusion leader and SENDCo
Mrs H Magee - HUB lead
Mrs J Tate - HUB manager
Contact via telephone on 01733 562873 or via email sen@southfields.peterborough.sch.uk
The Local Authority is committed to all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, making the best possible progress in their educational setting which, wherever possible and with the agreement of the family or the young person, will be in a mainstream setting.
All Peterborough’s schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Maintained schools have access to a range of professional services provided by the Local Authority which include the Educational Psychology Service, the Autism Outreach Service, the Sensory Support Service and the Specialist Teacher for pupils with ADHD.
Academies and Free Schools within the city also have access to these services though the funding mechanisms differ to those in place for maintained schools.
An inclusive school may offer the following ‘additional and different’ arrangements to support children with SEND. This provision is over and above ‘High Quality Teaching’ which is the entitlement for all children.
Children/ Young People in school will get support that is specific to their individual needs. This may all be provided by the class teacher or may involve:
- Advice and support from the School’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and other members of staff within the school.
- Staff who visit the school from the Local Authority central services such as the Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teachers for autism, ADHD or from the Sensory Service (for students with a hearing or visual need).
- Staff who visit from outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy (S<) Service.
Further information about the Local Offer can be found here: