Continuity and Progression
In order to ensure progression, the learning activities are sequenced within the Kapow scheme of work. This is achieved through direct teaching to the class or small groups, by providing direct experiences in practical tasks through using a wide range of equipment and resources within school and experiences on residential trips or day excursions. Elements of History as a subject which are developed each year are; investigating, developing sympathy and empathy for and with people from other eras, questioning, collecting and comparing evidence and reflecting on how the past can assist us in the future. Elements of Geography that are developed each year are; locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography as well as developing geographical skills and fieldwork.
Progressively challenging but realistic learning experiences reflecting children’s cognitive, social and emotional development ensure that they build upon historical and geographical knowledge, skills and understanding further each year.
At Southfields, we have an edited Kapow progression of skills and knowledge for Humanities, which gives an overview of the skills and knowledge covered in each phase and strand and how these skills are developed in order to enable pupils to reach the end of key stage outcomes outlined in the National curriculum. Unfortunately, due to copyright law, we are unable to post this on our website. However, you can access this during our regular curriculum open evenings.
Vocabulary Progression
Below is a link to the progression in vocabulary used in Geography and History.